Archie Klatos, a Chagrin Falls High School sophomore, was reported missing yesterday evening.
A Northeast Ohio teen was reported missing, under abnormal circumstances.
The nature of his disappearance is unknown.
Peggy Klatos, his mother, was immediately troubled. She called the police at 9:16. He's never been later than 4:00. "Archie never goes anywhere without telling me first;" she told reporters. "If he'd had been out with friends, I'd have known about it. It's wasn't in his behavior. That's how I knew he was taken."
Police officers don't share Klatos' deduction, having not yet officially ruled her son's disappearance a kidnapping. "Family members placed in this position are always eager to jump to conclusions," stated Howard Fields, the senior deputy assigned to the case. "It's more likely he's among the ranks of several youngsters eager to get away from the familiar and wreak a little havoc, especially given his background."
“I'd have known about it. It wasn't in his behavior. That's how I knew he was taken.”
While Archie Klatos' background can't be ignored, having been arrested on 3 occasions for minor charges, they appear to be unrelated to this case. They occurred within 2 weeks of each other, the most recent having occurred 4 months ago.
The onset of his disappearance was equally without incident. He displayed no intention of running away, until 6 hours prior to the report; at 2:15, he suddenly began the process of deleting all social media tied to him. All content associated with or linked to him was erased.
Just 10 minutes before, his cell number was disconnected.
Police have interpreted this as nothing more than confirmation, of his pre-meditated departure. It is unclear what would prompt this, given an inactive several months prior; no preparation for such an event was observed beforehand.
If we were designed to believe his disappearance was of his own accord, the evidence meant to suggest it is sloppy at best...
Human Trafficking
It appears all the more likely that his previous arrests are purely incidental; circumstantial events bearing no link to his disappearance. They do, however, present a fairly convenient red herring. The disconnecting of all his forms of communication make him hard to track. Perhaps it was designed that way.
That isn't what's in question; what's in question is why.
Is his inability to contact or be contacted beneficial to him... or someone else?