The "Stringjump Archive" site, containing footage of Archie Klatos, has been discovered by investigators.
It seems the trail never dies.
Remnants of this tale seem destined to live forever; Some remnant of this tragedy seems destined to always rear its ugly head... as if some trace of its evil has taken root in so many places that we may never truly see the end of it. Even if the source of these remnants is gone, their last seeds have already been planted and are waiting to be discovered some day... such as the remnant discovered this morning.
Still searching for "Joe," -- the person or entity believed to be responsible for the deaths of Thomas Michaels, Katherine Lanshackle, and Archie Klatos --
Special Investigators assigned to his case have recently discovered an online archive of private home-videos. These videos appear to have been compiled there by some surveillance organization, possibly known as "Stringjump." Whether they were monitoring the subjects of these private videos is unknown.
The significance of this find is incredible; the archived videos in question, filmed on VHS tape, appear to contain over an hour of unseen footage of Archie Klatos.
“Remnants of this tale seem destined to live forever.”
The contents of the videos are both troubling and confusing
(they can be found here; viewer discretion is advised).
The videos date from 2010-2020, creating a timespan of footage shot across 10 years. This creates many logical fallacies that put their authenticity in question, since much of what is depicted contradicts the known timeline of events surrounding Archie Klatos. The first video is dated March of 2010...
when Klatos was only 10 years old.
The most recent is dated to last Tuesday, strange considering Klatos has been dead since May. Other incidents depicted are just factually impossible, such as the video's subject claiming to have worked on a "moon-base" developing some kind of fusion based research (no such "moon-base" or nuclear research exists).
The most disturbing element of this footage, however, is the unseen but always distinctly present aura of Joe, lingering throughout. He sends a letter in one entry threatening the family of "Archie Klatos" (if this is him at all). The archive is clearly meant to be perceived as connected to Joe in some way, although some officers are leaning closer to this being a copycat; a disturbed individual inspired by Joe's grisly crimes rather than the very suspect himself.
The traces are still out there...
If nothing else is apparent from this footage, it's that echoes of this monstrosity are clearly here to stay. Whether it be the unlikely possibility of new revelations in the future, or a sick obsession with the events of this tragedy by future generations of onlookers, the energy and toxicity it produced seems destined to survive through some host or fashion. We may never be rid of it.
We may never escape from this.