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Emails From a Stalker

A chain of emails correlates with the recently discovered phone-call from the stalker of Archie Klatos.

Wherever he went, he was not alone.

Archie Klatos was a loved member of his community, after all. He was top in his chemistry and physics classes. He was a top scholar, winning over 14 scientific scholarships in his first two years of high school alone. He was captain of his chess team, and well regarded in his philosophy club.

Yet even his loved ones could not protect him.

Recently, in light of the phone conversation between Klatos and his stalker, police from Chagrin's archive's searched the contents of Klatos' call history for any indication which would confirm it's authenticity. Not only can they now confirm it's authenticity, but also searched his personal computer, also stowed away in their archives. What they uncovered was a chain of messages repeatedly sent from an strange email address to Klatos.

What follows below is the entire transcript. Reader discretion is advised:

- - - : Hello again.

- - - : Stop ignoring me. We're both smarter than that, kid.

- - - : I know at this moment you're using a Dixon Ticonderoga, which is yellow. Answer the fucking email.

KLATOS: Fuck off.

- - - : You don't seem to do much of that oddly enough. You've got the perfect room for it.

KLATOS: What do you want?

- - - : What's in your closet?

KLATOS: None of your fuckin business, unless you've got a warrant.

- - - : What I HAVE is several snipers in your area. Some are actually pointed at you right now.

KLATOS: Billsshit mither fucker!!!!!!

- - - : Look out your window.

- - - : You saw the red light, didn't you?

- - - : Don't bother running. We'll find you.

After that, the emails stopped.

After thorough inspection and coding analysis, the emails can be confirmed as authentic. They were not backlogged. The email of the stalker cannot be linked with any contact information of a known United States citizen, United States IP address or computer, and cannot yet be linked to any known terrorist organization abroad. What CAN be confirmed is that the conversation took place.

In other words we can now confirm there WAS a stalker after Archie Klatos.


What could one high school student have done to merit such malice? Was is the way he cared for his mother constantly? It certainly wasn't the kindness with which he regarded his close friend and companion, Samantha Hatchins! After the way he treated his community, he received not reward but punishment. Instead of recognition for his actions, he feared for his life.

Wherever he went, he was not alone.


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