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Howard Fields On Board for Investigation

The deputy originally tasked with finding Archie Klatos will now be brought on board as a consultant.

It's been entirely too quiet... hush and mum.

The public has expressed outrage in regards to this lack of activity, since the reopening of the Missing Persons Investigation into Archie Klatos. The first concrete action taken in this investigation certainly provides them no comfort; Deputy Howard Fields, the former police chief who failed to find him during the original investigation, has been brought on board as a consultant by the Chagrin PD.

"My original stance that he ran away, of his own accord, is the same," said Fields on the matter. "It has now been proved the boy was entirely capable of preconceiving several masterful plans, and if anything that now proves my original view. If it were up to me, we wouldn't be searching for him as a missing person... we'd be hunting him as a criminal."

"If it were up to me, we wouldn't be searching for him... we'd be hunting him..."

This same conspiracy theorizing will no doubt be familiar to his original critics. It was exactly what caused the trail to go cold in the first place, and bringing him on board certainly suggests the current precinct of Chagrin Falls intend to follow in his footsteps.

After all, what else could this be called? History is most definitely repeating itself, towards the possible annihilation of a man's life. Instead of facts or evidence, the police have once again chosen to start with a conclusion and force facts to fit. This is not investigation, it is cherry picking. It will not save a man's life.

But it will lead to the same horrific result as last time. While the police are off chasing some red herring, the REAL trail of evidence will remain unsearched. The REAL trail of evidence will go cold, and by the time we bother exploring it...

It will be too little too late.

If we act now, we can stop that trail from evaporating.

The clock is ticking.

But it's been entirely too quiet... hush and mum.


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